June 25, 2024 – 6:00 p.m.
Black Lake Grange
This is our time to come together as a Club to celebrate our recent season together and elect our officers and conduct Club business to take us into another year. Here is what’s planned:
We will gather at the Black Lake Grange at 6:00 pm for a Potluck Dinner, Annual Business Meeting and a slide show of your favorite images from the past year. (see rules for images at the bottom of this page). Social Committee chairperson Linda Pardee will provide beverages, plates, and utensils. Members will bring the food.
Directions for Potluck Signup:
We’re using SignUp.com to organize our upcoming potluck. You do not need an account and they don’t require you set one up – so no password needed! Yeah!
Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:
1) Click this link to see our event on SignUp.com:
2) Review the options listed .
3) Click the little arrow to the left of any category to see what others are bringing. Once you decide what you want to bring, click the Sign-up Button on the right. You’ll be asked to fill in your email address. If you’ve used the system before, it will recognize you and will automatically fill in your name and phone number. If not, then please fill in your name and phone number. Un-check any opt-in to advertising email boxes and click Save and Done. You’re now signed up to bring that dish, but others will like to know what exactly you’re bringing, so please add a comment.
Adding a Comment: On the main signup page, click the little arrow to the left of the category you signed up for and add a comment to tell us what you’re planning to bring. You can change this at any time if you change your mind.
Election of Officers
This is our annual business meeting for election of our four officers to one-year terms, for President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. A Nominating Committee is seeking nominees; let Ed Tromble, know if you’re interested in an elected position. Incumbents can seek re-election and nominees can also be offered during the annual business meeting.
Scavenger Hunt Slideshow
This year, members will have one way to participate in the Banquet Slide Show entertainment. Submit 5-10 of your favorite/best images taken between 6/1/2023 and 6/1/2024. You may do as much processing as you like on the images.
- All images must be JPEGS – no RAW or TIFF images.
- The images must be 1024 or 2048 pixels on the long side. The resolution should not exceed 72 dpi.
- Name your images as Bxx_Name_ImageName.jpg . B means Favorite/Best of 2023-24, xx is the number of the image, Name is your name and ImageName is the name of the image. For example the eighth image I submit would be named, B08_RosalindPhilips_BergyBit.jpg.
- Please include a self Identification Image as your 11th image.
- Please put your images in a folder with your name on it. Put the folder in Annual Meeting Images folder inside the OCC Member Sharing folder on Dropbox. I clear out the folder daily, so do not worry if you do not see your images in the folder.
- Images are due no later than 11:59 pm on June 11, 2024.
We will view the slide show at the Annual Meeting on June 25. Please contact Rosalind at or at 360-790-2814 with any questions.